jaydubcity16. ÇøVíD on Twitter: "@JayDubcity16 @JayDubcity16 whats your fav game on ps5 so far?" / Twitter. jaydubcity16

ÇøVíD on Twitter: "@JayDubcity16 @JayDubcity16 whats your fav game on ps5 so far?" / Twitterjaydubcity16  The PC can not compite

“#PS5Share, #FINALFANTASYXVI”“@JayDubcity16 Wasn't on black Friday”“@justin0862 @JayDubcity16 I'd be more worried about 720p Forspoken. This man is a triumphant leader in the gaming community. and @DOC_DARK1985. 1. They aren't leaving the console or gaming space,. Hell there are more active PS5's, than gamepass subscribers. Phil says there’s no scenario where Xbox can ever catchup and overtake. Game looks lack luster! I don’t see NOTHING warranting $70! 1:26 PM · Apr 8, 2023. The fanboy call to arms went off and here you are to defend the honour of Microsoft. @JayDubcity16. ·. Just an idea. Phil literally just posted hes more confident than hes ever been about the deal and it will close before june”“@JayDubcity16 Microsoft is basically fighting the whole world 🌎 to buy Activision This is crazy the seeing great lengths regulators will do to protect Playstation's marketshare”“@ianwilgaus @JayDubcity16 It's coming this year. The only Mario movie that's out so far is literally the worst gaming movie of all time. 1. brev2034 @Brev2034. Activision-Blizzard would still boost up Game Pass and the amount of data that King collects on Mobile and PC is must have f“@Playstation369 @JayDubcity16 you are welcome brother clown 🤡💀”“@JayDubcity16 😂”“@JayDubcity16 @insider_wtf @JayBari_ @Puertorock77_ @E4xtream What is this supposed to mean? PS acquiring square?”“@JayDubcity16 Sony showing the PC master race . 3. “@JayDubcity16 Didn’t know COD meant so much to PlayStation fans lmao it’s almost like y’all have no games to play or something”“@JayDubcity16 @Verdict4489 Yea, that COD sure got them to the top. “xbox gamers don’t buy games. It got delayed from last year to this one just like starfield. ”“@thicc_stick_boi Idk how @JayDubcity16 can be so quiet on streams but run his mouth behind Twitter 😭💀”“@JayDubcity16 and halo is still played and content still released what mutiplayer fps does sony have again first party?”“@JayDubcity16 He got a loser’s mentality. 50. But most likely due to mass reporting by angry Xbox fanboys. flop flop!”@JayDubcity16. ”“@JayDubcity16 So Xbox releases games and the argument changes again? So funny! I guess I don't see 89 rated games as mediocre? Mediocre to me is hyping Forspoken :)”“@JayDubcity16 Nah bro, there are just alot of casual gamers and kids and shit that don't care about Ray tracing or any of that shit. It will be ok I’m sure forspoken will eventually get fixed. 11:46 PM · Jun 11, 2023. Isn’t that past the 12 month range Sarah Bond and Phil Spencer told us we’d be playing all the games from last June?Jaydub on Twitter: "@SolidMali / Twitter. “@JayDubcity16 I thought the latest news was that he turned down a 10 year offer to have CoD on PS+. redirect. 🤭”You defending this shit lol. “@The_CrapGamer @JayDubcity16 @Dachsjaeger @M00CHTV I mean…they also made and sold Cyberpunk themed Xbox One X’s. Halo Infinite has lost nearly 98% of the game's total player base on Steam, and players are voicing their frustrations about the major drop-off. This still looks mid. . 400. 90. Likes. So yoy all cap!!!!”“@JayDubcity16 All the more reason for who it to close. Looking and Nintendo and Sony and throwing your hands up like nah if we make great games people still won’t care enough to buy our box is sad. 6h. That shadow drop. Not really sure what you're trying to. I didn't see HI-FI Rush on there so it didn't sell as much as Forspoken. 1,609. That's the point. All my friends also got them and they don't even play them. Racing Enthusiast, Gaming Enthusiast, Philanthropist, Comedian, Entrepreneur. ”The result of what happens when you speak on games that you don’t play. Update: MS/ABK FTC Injunction on Microsoft a positive development. Sad times. ”“@IdleSloth84_ Mam @JayDubcity16 putting in work”“@JayDubcity16 For jokes and memes this is funny, in all seriousness Xbox isn't going anywhere. PlayStation sales have gone up 300% whilst Xbox has dropped 5% from what I've been seeing from reports everywhere even my 10 year old son knows PlayStation rules been a PS user since he was 6 this is his room”@JayDubcity16. Since then nothing that was publicly announced has ever been canceled. You right Tim! You’re always [email protected]. I know people thought this generation would be different, but it’s a continuation of last generation unfortunately. (Just cod not worried about their games on PS I got pc)”RT @Gazondaily: Yo @JayDubcity16 waiting for your arrival so we can celebrate the ABK deal after you sign the contract . A positive?" / Twitter. Xbox is a Tax write-off: #Xbox. CiriReplying to @snobunni426 @JayDubcity16 Dude From that list MGS gz is a demo Mg rising not from him Zone of the enders collection the original was much higher Psvita MGS listed MGS acid a card gane Múltiple re release and game he just produce Just zone of the enders and he dint do all like in MGS [email protected]. 7-billion (R1. @[email protected] PlayStation 5 continues to blow the Xbox Series Consoles back out in the UK and even more-so worldwide. j$ @1lordchiefrocka. io/JayDub…2:16 PM · Jan 26, 2023· 33. 15 Jul 2023 14:45:35“@GameRant @JayDubcity16 Nooooooo, REALLY? You mean they have more than 3 studios? Pretty sure the answer everyone's looking for is WHY they'd do that. 8K Views 24 Retweets 10 Quote Tweets 259 Likes Pats Hungry Gaming () @ptouss6115 · Jan 26 Replying to @JayDubcity16 Probably by the end of the month. Most games will come to other platforms after a while. But you’ve been reporting on them for the last year and a half like they do!. Two sides of the same coin. Lawd. Non-buyers boys upset again! #Xbox #GamePass. Another week t“@JayDubcity16 Er we do have games. ”“@JayDubcity16 Basically because of the dimension of the whole game. A positive? Yes, because it moves things forward meaning if MS is successful in Federal Court they can close and don't have to worry about ALJ trial in August. 8:08 PM · Jul 17, 2023. read image description. Both games don't have a release date. I know i know I know it really hard for you to come to terms with. ”“@JayDubcity16 Sony is the one saying they can’t afford to make first party games without revenue from COD 🤷‍♂️”Jaydub on Twitter: "$2Trillion dollars" / Twitter. ·. It wasn't a good game (was part of beta) Tango ain’t closed even thought the studio head left. Microsoft could just abandon the ABK deal for $67B and keep all of those 10’s of thousands of employees. Its nothing to do with Xbox man. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } [email protected]. Usually Xbox games don’t get that many reviews anyway 💀”@[email protected]. 1Where does it say includes digital im having a hard time seeing where it Says digital downloads included in sales oh wait it's boxed that's why 😂 😂@JayDubcity16 While we are disappointed with PlayStation Showcase not showing more 1st Party games and shit, but atleast it’s not Xbox bad. How you call yourself a 'gaming' channel with such an obvious bias is laughable. @JayDubcity16. “@PlayStation Yay!!! Now we can go back to ignoring them! Just saying”“@JayDubcity16 @PostUp_bbb Lmao. Jun 21. WOOLLEY GAMER: ! #WWCOG & TSGP. On my S. and @JMaine518. 2. It would take a. It just has horrible marketing, and the Lobby interface is janky af. Who has the best way to play the games in 4k 30fps , 1440p 60 fps or unlock fps . Graphics 10/10, Audio 11/10, Controls 9/10, Gameplay 12/10. “@JayDubcity16 He did his Job and now he's leaving so the rest of his team is finishing up the game, there's nothing wrong with that but the Ponies will try to spin it into something negative”@JayDubcity16. Views. Sad that someone who is into gaming does not understand the basic difference in distribution channels and how one is clearly more accessible than the other. He makes that statement as at the exact same time Xbox have already blocked games from being on PS5. “Lets have a mintue silence for @JayDubcity16 #Xbox #XboxShare #PlayStation #PS4 #PS4Share #Microsoft #Activision #CallOfDuty #Destiny2 #PS5 #PS5Share”“@JayDubcity16 Microsoft needs to give up this game and division they suck at making games and I’m not even trolling when I say that”Hands Down just by beating the demo of #FinalFantasyXVI it’s definitely gonna be a GOTY winner . And st“@JayDubcity16 Playstation is taking the L no amount of your GIFs can change what happened”“@JayDubcity16 @nxtgen8k Phil may even be speaking directly to regulators here to solicit sympathy. We back baby! PlayStation showcase was 9/10! I changed my mind! #PlayStation5 #PlayStationShowcase. Plus naughty dog has a way better track record than Bethesda. ”@JayDubcity16 1- Xbox is worth $600 billion and nobody can buy it 2- Xbox is doing better than ever: -Xbox series is the fastest selling Xbox console ever -Game pass is the leader of subscription services -Xbox made $18 billion in 2022 -Xbox bought Bethesda Sony: "Xbox is highly successful"“@JayDubcity16 @PostUp_bbb Odd because you seem to think he is when he says stuff that suits your narrative. ”@JayDubcity16. “@JayDubcity16 @Xenobleed PS5 is just a beta test console. I cant see why it matters at least there out this year because there's still loads to play with lies of pi resident evil 4 remake dead space remake and loads of other games to do unless you only play exclusives but I'm happy. “How yall like the Playstation Showcase? #GawdDammitSony #Playstation”“@JayDubcity16 Because Nintendo didn't boast they have "the mOsT pOweRfuL cOnsOLe". Did you magically all of sudden forget about the live action Mario movie?”“@grandxbsx @JayDubcity16 Oh yeah, I’ve heard. JaydubI'd be genuinely sad if they pull out from console hardware tbh. ”“@JayDubcity16 "They can make good games and we can't"”“@JayDubcity16 How is that a delay? Absolutely nobody said when in 2023 the game is coming out. Not at all. 😅”“@JayDubcity16 The only review I trust”See new Tweets. I am saying the developers did the bare minimum in incorporating a black protagonist by just dipping in the stereotype hat. So monopoly good now?”“@JayDubcity16 @MadReduction PS5 and PS4 have a much larger user base and is much more popular in Asian markets where Street Fighter is a bigger hit, so of course it's gonna have a larger sales split lol. ”“@SunRa88604804 @BobbySmith69420 @JayDubcity16 @RaspyYeti Actually it makes perfect sense. ”Uni Sensei on Twitter: "@JayDubcity16 / Twitter. Gonna be sad to see them go. 2K Followers; 294. . 194. [email protected]. So what's your point? You can't cap for one and pretend like the other is never coming. GIF. “Sony is projected to have sold 62 Million PlayStation 5’s by Fiscal Years end. Sony missing in action in South African hearing on Microsoft-Activision deal Sony was nowhere to be seen during the Competition Tribunal’s public hearing on Microsoft’s planned $68. Mar 16. This is epic considering Sony is actually fighting and spending money in the right places for its Fanbase. 5/10 👀”“What a great time to be back on Twitter. 2. “@JayDubcity16 @ReforgeGaming You defending this shit lol. 😉”Jaydub on Twitter: " / Twitter. com. ALT. Fanboys have been saying "this is the last Xbox" since the 360 days. Yes, we all have differences of opinion when it comes to gaming with @JayDubcity16. “@JayDubcity16 @davidscottjaffe Huh? Bro Jaffe is the one saying people are hating on it because the protagonist is black. ” as if saving money is derogatory lol 😂 😂 😂 i can’[email protected]. Forza looks a copy-paste of GT7. Before you know it, all PlayStation games will be day one on [email protected] User Score: 1. The game that cannot be enjoyed offline (RedFall) and the game that is not gonna make it over 30FPS (Starfield). Phil says there’s no scenario where Xbox can ever catchup and overtake PlayStation or Nintendo so they had to go off an do their own thing which is GamePass and Cloud Services. All gamers should rejoice! 185. Replying [email protected]**king YIKES!!!!! LMAOOOOO!!! These are wonderful scores ! PS BANGER RIGHT [email protected] Digital foundry is more of a paid YT influencer than an honest truthful technical analysts! They said that the 4090 is a bargain 🥴 , they continuously trying to downplay the importance of sw optimizations and developers talents and make it like hw power is all what matters!<style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . The PC can not compite. Had enough of the ecosystem, maybe I’ll return for Starfield but my most of my playtime goes on PS5. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. Xbox is the only platform holder with large sweeping layoffs. ”@JayDubcity16. 1. I quick google search to show they hired more than they fired in the past two years…In the name of console wars: you’re using people losing their jobs for plastic wars…pathetic especially from grown ass 40+ year old men. @werty2346. 2023 to be the biggest year ever for a PlayStation console [email protected] · 1h. lol Didn't know they made PS3 games in 2023. 29 million is pretty dismal if that's Xbox AND PC subs. Well at least we have his statement for all time because he's bound to come out to try and defend it. “@JayDubcity16 @The_CrapGamer @sak0rium @PostUp_bbb @MrKrisSteel 720p lol”“@JayDubcity16 @XcloudTimdog 95% Sonys business is failing outside of gaming. 26 May 2023 20:59:39“@JayDubcity16 @_Tom_Henderson_ @Juliemango89 @nxtgen8k @GrackleNoises @Dee_Batch We tried to tell them Kratos where Z at talking about a Pro looool. Most. Still charted like crazy. 👀“@JayDubcity16 Considering these are the minimum specs for the PC version and it’s Steam Deck compatible, I doubt it’s because of the Series S hardware They even say in the post that they’re specifically having difficulties implementing split screen”i genuinely don’t get why people hate that people wanna save money. ÇøVíD on Twitter: "@JayDubcity16 @JayDubcity16 whats your fav game on ps5 so far?" / Twitter. PC player pls hold ue not back”“@JayDubcity16 Bro I need answers about Forspoken being the biggest downgrade of the generation PS5 struggling to run this crap at 720p”“@SUPREMACI @JayDubcity16 Ppl obviously bought Forspoken. Niklas Højberg Pedersen“@JayDubcity16 💀”Luckily it’s also available on PC! Unfortunately seems that we will be at a 30 fps on the console side 🥲. PlayStation brand so strong even FTC lawyers show up to Court wearing these: #XboxHasNoGames #PlayStation5. For the same setting you playing on ps5 you need 2000 doller PC. 2. @JayDubcity16. Jaydub on Twitter: " / Twitter. Not 7. ”Lol right the country the ftc governs over , united states, where xbox has is best marketshare ratio doesnt matter. Angus Howard. If any decides no it matters simply makes no sense to spend 70b“@JayDubcity16 @Ghost0ps1 Look Microsoft’s AKB is number 2. 988 Following; 11. @The_CrapGamer. This picture is not the “W” that you think it is. “@JayDubcity16 I got a leaked footage of Starfield on the PlayStation 5. Bit of a liar is Mr Phil. “@DuckySlime_ @JayDubcity16 Just like Xbox games back in the day. “@The_CrapGamer We see how that worked out for High-Rush. ”“@Dee_Batch FTC: “You said that about Bethesda games! See Starfield and Redfall””“@JAAY_ROCK_ Oh shit @JayDubcity16 man 🤣”“@JayDubcity16 @nyc_prophet They can’t block it. cracked and is resorting to laughing instead of crying! If China approved this early CMA and FTC is in trouble with no remedies too. 12:37 AM · Jun 24, 2023. All them goofy ass Xbots, Microsoft Stans, Fake Journalists, and Phil fluffers gonna have to hold that L. “@JayDubcity16 Number of units in the third week and total The end of FF16, which was the trump card even in Japan where PS and FF were born. 500 doller or euro in my country for ps5 . @WOOLLEY_GAMER. Xbox is a Tax write-off: #Xbox. Even if you don't like Xbox having them around keeps Sony on their toes. He bounces around A LOT. This has nothing to do with the systems it was the most hyOver 1 million had bought the ultimate edition before the full game even [email protected]. might need to get back to it just to finish it”“@JayDubcity16 @ETESHADDAI Here you go fud merchant, back to the internet to mill up some more made up hot take. What kind of gate-keeping loser would want to keep games away from a low-cost, low barrier-to-entry platform where more people would be able to enjoy it? You honestly would have to be such a. maybe do what sony currently does. 1. “@SolidMali”“@JayDubcity16 Wait wait wait bro. “@JayDubcity16 These were released in 2021. S. “Reasons to buy an Xbox VS Reasons to buy a PlayStation #Xbox #Playstation”<style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . Show replies. ”“@JayDubcity16 I'm curious why they omitted Nintendo from the chart. “@JayDubcity16 @___Jadennn__ @MariusPsBanner Why would people buy a game thats on gamepass? I dont think you can even buy Hi-fi Rush on xbox but if you look at the steam player count Hi-fi Rush is doing better than Forsaken”The Twitter account of the great @JayDubcity16 was recently suspended by Twitter. Thats how sneaky MS and Phil are”“@JayDubcity16 So series s is dynamic 1440p? On a empty world while standing still only? Otherwise I see this going to 500p”Photo: Sony. PlayStation be getting free stuff for cod and early access I can’t wait to have what they [email protected]. and @Xbox. ”“@JayDubcity16 I swear people don’t research anymore. Now sony is trying to block MS deal. 3:38 PM · May 15, 2023. Sega Dreamcast last days feels quite eerily like these times folks. That boy @DoWhatYouDo6. There are far less PS4s and PS5s than gaming PCs and Xbox's. “@JayDubcity16 Last game Microsoft canceled was Scalebound, which just so happened to be a month before they initiated Game Pass. ”Jaydub on Twitter: "@PostUp_SOG Lmao. we don’t wanna play starfield, if it looks interesting enough i’ll get it on pc. Stop the coping.